


Abortion has become the greatest destroyer of human life throughout the history of the world. Allan Guttmacher Institute research results (1989) reported that each year about 55 million aborted babies. This figure provides evidence that 150,658 babies murdered every day, or every 105 minutes a baby's life snatched away while still in
the womb.
Fetus: (Man in the uterus) aka abortion abortion (abortion, Latin) in general can be divided into two categories, namely natural abortion (miscarriage natural) and artificial abortion (abortus provocatus), which includes abortion provocatus criminalis, which is a follow crime and forbidden in Indonesia, (provided for in Article 15 paragraph 2 of Law - Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1992). A. Abortion is not only done by the women status as a wife who intend to stop the continuity of its contents, but also many people with pre-marital pregnancy do so.
The tendency to have an abortion is not separated from the view of the nature
when a human child's life begins.
Abortion is a complex issue, including religious values, ethics, moral and scientific and specifically as a problem of biology.
Abort the womb or in the medical world is known by the term "abortion". Means spending the products of conception (meeting the egg and sperm cells) before the fetus can live outside the womb. This is a process of termination of life of the fetus
before given the opportunity to grow.
In the world of medicine known as 3 kinds of abortion, namely:
1.      Spontaneous Abortion / Natural
2.      Abortion Artificial / Accidentally
3.      Abortion Therapeutic / Medical
Abortion spontaneous / natural place without any action. Mostly due to lack of good quality eggs and sperm cells, whereas artificial Abortion / deliberate termination of pregnancy is 28 weeks before pregnancy as a result of a deliberate and conscious action by the prospective mother or the executor of abortion (in this case the doctor,
midwife or midwives .)
Abortion therapeutic / medical is artificial abortions performed on medical indications. For example, expectant mothers who are pregnant but have high blood disease chronic or severe heart disease that could endanger both the mother and the fetus. But this is all over a mature medical considerations and not in a hurry.


We will discuss this aspect of Islamic religion (Al-Quran & Abortion) and Christianity (Bible & Abortion) to describe understanding more about abortion and religion. First we will discuss it in terms of Islamic religion and then in terms of
Al-Quran & Abortion
Muslims believe that the Quran is the most important law for human life. He said: "We sent down the Qur'an to thee to explain all things." (Sura 16:89) So, it is clear that the verses contained in the Quran teach all people about the laws that control
 human actions.
There is no single verse in the Koran which states that abortions may be performed by Muslims. Conversely, many verses that state that the fetus in the womb is very noble. And many of the verses that states that the penalty for people who kill other
human beings are very scary.
First: Man - no matter how small - is a creation of God of glory.
Religion Islam upholds the sanctity of life. There are so many verses in the Quran that testify to this. One of them, Allah says: "And verily We have glorified the human
race." (Sura 17:70)
Second: Killing one life is tantamount to killing all people. Save one life is tantamount to saving  everyone.

In Islam, each of our behavior towards other people's life, has a huge impact. Word of God: "Whoever kills a human, not for reasons which the law requires qishash, or not because of unrest in the land, then as if he had killed all mankind. And those who maintain the safety of a human life, it was as if he has maintained all of the safety of
 human life. "(Sura 5:32)
Third: Muslims are prohibited from doing abortions on the grounds did not have
enough money or fear the lack of money.
Many expectant mothers who are young reasoned that because his income is not stable or insufficient savings, then he planned to abortion. It would be wrong thinking.Ayat Al-Quran reminds the word of God that says: "And kill not your children for fear of being destitute. It is we who give sustenance to them and to you
too. Surely killing them is great sin. "(Sura 17:31)
Fourth: Abortion is murder. Killing is against God's command.
Killing is a crime. This type of abortion performed with the aim of stopping the life of a baby in the womb without medical reasons known by the term "abortion provokatus criminalist" which is a criminal action - action against God. Al-Quran states: "The penalty against those who do anarchists against Allah and His
Messenger, and create unrest in the face of the earth disaster is: execution, or
crucifixion, or cut the hands and legs are crossed, or alienated from society. Such punishments as an insult to them in the world and the Hereafter they receive a painful
torment. "(Sura 5:36)
Fifth: Since we are still a fetus, God already knows us.
Since we are still very small in mother's womb, God already knows us. Al-Quran states: "He is more aware doin, since the start diciptakaNya earth elements and since you are still in your mother's womb." (Sura: 53:32) So, every fetus has been known to God, and the fetus is known to God that's what killed in the processabortion.
Sixth: No pregnancy which is the "accident" or chance. Every fetus is formed is God's
God created man from dust, then a blood clot and into the fetus. All this does not happen by chance. Al-Quran records the word of God: "Then We stand fetus in the womb by the will of us over the age of the womb. Then we remove you from your mother's womb as a baby. "(Sura 22:5) In this paragraph instead emphasized the importance of fetal left alive" during the life of the womb. " There is no verse that says to remove the fetus before killing the fetus age let alone the womb by force!
Seventh: The prophet Muhammad never advocated abortion. Even in the case of pregnancy outside of marriage though, a tremendous respect for the Prophet
high life.
Pregnant outside of marriage means the act of adultery. Islamic law is very firmly against the perpetrators of adultery. However, the Prophet Muhammad - as told in the Book of Al-Hudud - not ordered a woman who is pregnant outside of marriage to abortion: Come to him (the Holy Prophet) a woman from Ghamid and said, 'Messenger of Allah, I have committed adultery, cleanse me .. " He (the Holy Prophet) menampiknya. The next day he said, 'Messenger of Allah, why do you menampikku?Maybe you like you dismiss Ma'is menampikku. By Allah, I have been pregnant. "The Prophet said," Well if you insist, then go until the child is born. "When the woman gave birth to her son to come together (bundled) rags and said," These are kids who kulahirkan. "So, hadith This tells us that although the pregnancy was due to adultery (outside marriage) remains the fetus must be maintained until the
time comes. Not brutally murdered.



According to the laws in force in Indonesia, abortion or abortion fetus, including crime, known by the term "abortion Provocatus Criminalis"
Who received punishment were:
1.      Women who have abortions
2.      Your doctor or midwife or the midwife who helped perform abortions
3.      The people who support the implementation of abortion
Some related articles are:
Article 229
1.      Any person who knowingly treat a woman or tell him so treated, with shared or generated hope, that because of this treatment can hamil discounted, the prescribed penalty Imprisonment of four years or a maximum fine of three thousand dollars.
2.      If the guilty, doing so for profit, or make such actions as search, or habit, or if
he was a physician, midwife or interpreters drugs, the criminal can be added a third.
3.      If found guilty, committed the crime, in undergoing search the inalienable right to conduct the search.
Article 341
A mother who, because of the fear out of childbirth, when the child was born or
shortly thereafter, deliberately depriving her child's life, is threatened, for killing their
own children, with a maximum imprisonment of seven years.
Article 342
A mother who, determined to carry out intentions for fear of getting caught that will
give birth to a child, when the child was born or shortly thereafter seized his son's
life, is threatened, for committing murder their own children with the plan, with a
maximum imprisonment of nine years.
Article 343
Crimes described in articles 341 and 342 is seen, for others who participated did, as
murder or murder with a plan.
Article 346
A woman who intentionally abort or kill abortion or get someone else to it,
punishable by a maximum imprisonment of four years.
Article 347
1.      Any person who deliberately abort or kill a woman's womb without consent, punishable by a maximum imprisonment of twelve years
2.      If the act resulted in death of woman, subject to imprisonment maximum of fifteen years.
Article 348
1.      Any person who deliberately abort or kill a woman's womb with his consent, punishable by a maximum imprisonment of five years and six months
2.      If the act resulted in death of woman, subject to maximum imprisonment of seven years.
Article 349
If a physician, midwife or interpreters helping drug crime which the article 346, or
conduct or assist in doing any of the crimes described in articles 347 and 348, then
the penalty specified in the article that can be added to one-third and inalienable right
to run the search in which the crimes were committed.



Abortion has a high risk to health or safety of a woman. It is not true to say that if
someone had an abortion she "did not feel anything and should go home
This is a very misleading information for every woman, especially those who are
confused because they do not want a pregnancy that has occurred.
There are 2 kinds of health risks to women who have abortions:
1.      The risk of physical health and safety
2.       The risk of psychological disorders
Health risks and physical safety
At the time of abortion and after an abortion there are some risks that will confront a
woman, as described in the book "Facts of Life" written by Brian Clowes, PhD,
1.      Sudden death due to severe bleeding
2.      Sudden death due to anesthesia who failed
3.      Death by slow due to a serious infection around the womb
4.      A torn uterus (Uterine Perforation)
5.      Damage to the cervix (Cervical Lacerations) that would cause defects in subsequent child
6.      Breast cancer (because of hormonal imbalance of estrogen in women)
7.      Ovarian Cancer (Ovarian Cancer)
8.      Cervical cancer (Cervical Cancer)
9.      Liver cancer (Liver Cancer)
10.  Abnormalities in the placenta / placenta (Placenta Previa) which will
cause defects in the next child and bleeding on during subsequent pregnancies
11.  Being infertile / unable to have children again (ectopic Pregnancy)
12.  Pelvic infection (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
13.  Infection of the lining of the uterus (endometriosis)

Mental Health Risk
The process of abortion is not only a process that has a high risk in terms of health
and safety of a woman physically, but also has a great impact on the mental state of a
This phenomenon is known in the world of psychology as a "Post-Abortion
Syndrome" (Post-Abortion Syndrome) or PAS. These symptoms are noted in the
"Psychological Reactions Reported After Abortion" in the publication of The Post-
Abortion Review (1994).

Basically a woman who had an abortion will experience things like the following:
1.      Loss of self-esteem (82%)
2.      Hysterical (51%)
3.      Nightmares over and over again about the baby (63%)
4.      Want to commit suicide (28%)
5.      Start trying to use illicit drugs (41%)
6.      No longer able to enjoy sexual intercourse (59%)
Beyond the things mentioned above the women who have abortions would be filled
with guilt that is not lost for years in his life.

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